NEXT EVENT  Wednesday, May 22
14th Annual USMTS Spring Classic

Change in cement slab policy

January 25, 2019

In the past, the cement pit slabs were good for a regular points night race but not for special events. The cost for the weekly racing was $125 per night, or you could just rent a cement slab for $25 per night.

A few drivers try to get by without renting their spot and anybody caught doing that this season will see a decrease of $25 at the pay window.

This season we will be reserving guaranteed spots for $200 for all races or $125 for Saturday weekly shows only.

We encourage drivers to put a sign in front of their spot—it is yours for the entire season. If you are not coming to an event you can let somebofy else park on your spot but that spot will be left empty unless you approve it.

We are hoping to add three more spots by the lineup area for cars facing west. We will also be looking to put all big haulers and trailers on the front side of the pit area on the east end under the new catwalk. We will be looking to put in cement slabs there also.

Those with the bigger motorhomes will not be allowed to park anywhere but on the front-stretch wall. Drivers that want to have their same spots as past years will have until March 1 to get them paid and reserved, so call the office and get yours today.

After March 1, they will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis.